Nearby Opportunites To Explore
ACOMA SKY CITY - Discover the living history of the Acoma Pueblo - 27 MILES
ICE CAVE & BANDERA CRATER - Explore New Mexico's land of fire and ice - 25 MILES
EL MORRO NATIONAL MONUMENT - Visit the remains of a large prehistoric pueblo - 45 MILES
BLUE WATER LAKE - Rise to elevation of 7,400 feet near the Continental Divide - 20 MILES
GRANTS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND MINING MUSEUM - Experience going underground and see what the miners saw - 2 MILES
EL MALPAIS NATIONAL PARK - Hike the landscape created by ancient volcanic activity - 15 MILES
COYOTE DEL MALPAIS GOLF - Golf beneath Mount Taylor - 8 MILES
CHACO CANYON - Remote network of ruins offering insight into the ancestral Puebloan life - 75 MILES
MILES INDIAN PUEBLO CULTURAL CENTER - Expand your knowlege of Native American arts, crafts, pottter & jewelry - 65 MILES
SKY CITY CASINO - Bet at Sky City Casino - 22 MILES